Monday, August 12, 2019

Enlightening Experience from the Childhood Personal Statement - 8

Enlightening Experience from the Childhood - Personal Statement Example For the other game, we would chase each other around and whoever was ‘it’ had to touch the other one so he would be ‘it’ until we were chasing each other around in a circle. For the other game, we would chase each other around and whoever was ‘it’ had to touch the other one so he would be ‘it’ until we were chasing each other around in a circle. One day we were playing ‘run’ and I was winning.   I was running so fast I thought I was flying.   But Toby wasn’t very far behind me.   I could hear him breathing, so I was putting all my effort into it.   I could feel my face getting all scrunched up so I knew I was running all out just to stay ahead of Toby.   One minute, Toby was breathing down my neck and the next I heard him yelp and no more breathing.   I looked back and some strange man was holding Toby up in the air, his legs still kicking and with a surprised look on his face.   I was so surprised I almost ran straight into the fence.  Ã‚   The man was yelling something that I couldn’t hear at first because Toby was hollering and blood was pounding in my ears from the race and I was breathing heavy.   Then the words came in crystal clear. â€Å"†¦ black boy.   What do you think you’re doing chasing that white boy like that?   Don’t you know your place?   I’ll be giving you a sound beating for this one.   You just wait till I get my belt off, you’ll get a beating like you never have seen before.   You no account †¦Ã¢â‚¬ 

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